
  • 1 July
    ING introduces new Green Statement.

  • 23 July
    Closing of the Acquisition Transaction of 45% shares in NN Investment Partners TFI S.A. by ING Investment Holding (Polska) S.A., the direct subsidiary of ING Bank Śląski S.A.

    2 January
    Decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on the consent to start acitivity of ING Bank Hipoteczny.

  • 18 December
    Conclusion of the agreements aimed at the acquisition of 45% of shares in NN Investment Partners TFI S.A.

    20 March
    Entry of the ING Bank Hipoteczny company to the National Court Register.

    26 February
    Deed of establishing the ING Bank Hipoteczny company.

  • 1 September
    ING Bank Śląski S.A. acquires Bieszczadzka SKOK (credit union) in Sanok.

  • 31 May
    Incorporation of the ING Securities S.A. Brokerage House in the structures of ING Bank Śląski S.A. Non-brokerage, advertising and educational business run previously by ING Securities S.A. is moved to Nowe Usługi S.A.

    19 April
    Brunon Bartkiewicz assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 10 February
    ING Bank Śląski S.A. sells 20% of shares in ING Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. to ING Continental Europe Holdings B.V.

  • 19 December
    ING Bank Śląski S.A. issues the second series of bonds worth PLN 300 million under the Issue Programme approved by the Supervisory Board in 2012.

    6 December
    ING Bank Śląski S.A. issues the first series of bonds worth PLN 565 million under the Issue Programme approved by the Supervisory Board in 2012.

  • 19 April 
    The Supervisory Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A. consented to establishing the Programme of ING Bank Śląski S.A. Debt Securities Issue worth PLN 5 billion.

  • 29 December
    ING Bank Śląski S.A. signed an agreement to acquire all shares of ING ABL Polska S.A. holding 100% of the initial capital of ING Lease (Polska) Sp. z o.o. and ING Commercial Finance Polska S.A. companies, dealing with leasing and factoring. The shares were acquired from ING Lease Holding N.V. with the registered office in Amsterdam. Ownership rights were transferred to the Bank on 01 January 2012.

    18 November
    Date of the first quotation of ING Bank Śląski S.A. shares after 1-to-10 split.

    31 October
    The change of the initial capital structure by a 1-to-10 split of ING Bank Śląski S.A. shares was filed with the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under decision taken by the District Court in Katowice. The post-split initial capital of PLN 130,100,000.00 (one hundred and thirty million one hundred thousand) is divided into 130,100,000 shares of the face value of PLN 1.00 (one) each. Earlier, the face value of one share was PLN 10 (ten)..

    31 October
    The District Court in Katowice, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, issued a decision to merge ING Bank Śląski S.A. with ING Bank Hipoteczny S.A. The merger was made by transfer of the entire assets of ING Bank Hipoteczny S.A. to ING Bank Śląski S.A. Since ING Bank Śląski S.A. held all the shares of ING Bank Hipoteczny S.A., the merger was not accompanied by the initial capital increase

  • 23 February
    Małgorzata Kołakowska assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 18 March
    ING Bank N.V. sold 1 661 141 shares of ING Bank Śląski S.A. via the Warsaw Stock Exchange, reducing thereby its stake in the total number of shares and votes at the General Meeting from 87.77% to 75.00%. The offer was addressed to Polish individual and institutional investors and to international institutions. The ING Group’s decision to sell some shares was the practical execution of the earlier obligation made to the Polish regulator.

  • 6 June
    Brunon Bartkiewicz assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 1 October
    ING Bank Śląski Spółka Akcyjna signed with ING Bank N.V. with seat in Amsterdam (ING Bank N.V.) an agreement on in-kind contribution in the form of Warsaw Branch of ING Bank N.V. to ING Bank Śląski S.A. to cover the shares taken up in increased initial capital. ING Bank N.V. made a non-cash contribution in the form of the Company to cover the shares taken up by them in the increased initial capital of ING Bank Śląski S.A. – 3,750,000 "B" series shares of nominal value PLN 10.00 each and issue price PLN 265.00.

    17 September
    District Court in Katowice, Economic Division of the National Court Register, registers an increase of ING Bank Śląski Spółka Akcyjna equity in the amount of PLN 37,500,000. After increase the equity of ING Bank Śląski S.A. equals PLN 130,100,000 and divides into 13,010,000 ordinary bearer’s shares of nominal value PLN 10.00 each. ING Bank N.V. holds presently 11,418,641 shares and votes at the General Shareholders Meeting of ING Bank Śląski S.A., which constitutes 87.77% of equity and the same percentage of total votes at the GSM of the Company.

    6 September
    Bank Śląski, being a member of the ING Group and implementing its strategy, initiates activity under the new name of ING Bank Śląski S.A.

    22 August
    Completion of the subscription and assigning the “B” series shares of Bank Śląski S.A. Due to passing at the General Shareholders Meeting of BSK on 28th June 2001 a resolution on exclusion of the stock right for current shareholders, the entire issue will be taken up by ING Bank N.V. by the way of private subscription, as a consequence of subscription placed on 20th August, in exchange for non-cash contribution in the form of ING Warsaw Branch.

    20 August
    ING Bank N.V. places in the Brokerage House of BSK S.A. a subscription for “B” series shares in the number of 3,750,000, of nominal value PLN 10 each and issue price PLN 265. The subscription is equivalent to accepting the offer for purchase of shares of this issue.

    1 August
    As a result of SE transactions ING Bank N.V. holds 82.81% shares and the same percentage of total votes at the General Shareholders Meeting.

    28 June
    At the General Shareholders Meeting of Bank Śląski the resolutions are passed on new issue of shares, so that Bank Śląski could take over the Warsaw Branch of ING Bank N.V. As a result of merger 3,750,000 bearer’s shares of B series will be issued in exchange for the in-kind contribution in the form of Warsaw Branch of ING Bank N.V. The new issue of shares will be totally taken up by ING Bank N.V.

    18 June
    ING Bank N.V. purchases 34,817 shares of Bank Śląski S.A. As a result of the purchase ING Bank N.V. holds 6,979,212 shares, which provides ING Bank N.V. with the same number of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting as well as constitutes 75.37% of total number of BSK S.A. shares and the same percentage of total votes at the General Shareholders Meeting.

    23 April
    Completion of the tender offer, as a result of which ING Bank N.V. purchases additionally 1,365,782 shares. The stake of ING constitutes 74.73%. of total number of BSK S.A. shares and the same percentage of total votes at the General Shareholders Meeting.

    9 March
    Announcing the tender offer for sale of BSK S.A. shares by ING Bank N.V.

  • 20 July
    Marian Czakański assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 24 July
    ING acquires 1,937,000 shares, thus becoming the owner of 54.08% of the Bank's capital stock, On December 31, 1998, ING Bank N.V. held 54.98% of BSK S.A.'s capital stock.

    18 July
    ING acquires 671,184 shares.

  • 22 May
    Brunon Bartkiewicz assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 25 May
    Brunon Bartkiewicz assumes the position of First Vice-President of the Management Board.

    25 January
    BSK SA shares are quoted for the first time on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, reaching a record price of PLN 675.

    13 January
    ING acquires 2.4 million shares in the Bank, that is 25.9% of its capital stock.

  • 3 September
    Securities Commission consents to public trading of Bank Slaski S.A. shares.

  • 18 October
    Transformation of Bank Slaski from a state-owned bank into a joint stock company (100% owned by the State Treasury).

    Marian Rajczyk assumes the position of President of the Management Board.

  • 1 February
    Bank Slaski in Katowice commences its operations.

  • 11 April
    Ordinance of the Council of Minister on establishing Bank Slaski in Katowice.