
Dividend policy

Dividend policy


On 15 December 2021 the Supervisory Board has approved the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend Policy as recommended by the Bank Management Board.

The key assumptions of the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend Policy:

  1. ING Bank Śląski S.A. endorses in the foreseeable future a stable process of dividend payout up to 50% of a yearly net profit of the Bank, in adherence to the rules of prudent management and any and all regulatory requirements which the Bank shall comply with and taking into account the adopted Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2021.
  2. A proposal to pay a dividend in the amount higher than the dividend ratio referred to in point 1 is possible when it is justified by the financial standing of the Bank (e.g. from undivided profit from previous years) and provided that all other requirements set out in the law and the Policy are met.
  3. The Dividend Policy endorses the option to pay dividend from the capital surplus over the minimum capital adequacy ratios and over the minimum capital ratios set for the Bank by the PFSA for dividend payout purposes:
    • minimum common equity Tier 1 (CET1) at the level of 4,5% + combined buffer requirement1,
    • minimum Tier 1 (T1) at the level of 6% + combined buffer requirement1,
    • minimum total capital ratio (TCR) at the level of 8% + combined buffer requirement1.
    • where the footnote [1] means the combined buffer requirement binding in a year of dividend payment
  4. When deciding on the proposed amount of dividend payout, the Bank Management Board considers Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s stance on the banks’ dividend policy, which is subject to official announcement, as well as the following terms and conditions:
    • the current financial standing of the Bank and the Bank Group, including limitations in the case of sustaining a financial loss or low profitability (low ROA/ROE),
    • Bank's and Bank Group’s assumptions of the management strategy and risk management strategy,
    • limitations under Article 56 of the Act on macroprudential supervision over the financial system and crisis management in the financial system of 5 August 2015,
    • the need to adjust profits of the present period or unapproved annual profits recognised as own funds with foreseeable dividends, according to Article 26 of the EU Regulation No. 575/2013,
    • macroeconomic environment.

Details: Dividend policy of ING Bank Śląski S.A. (15 September 2016).

Update of the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend policy (9 March 2018).

Update of the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend policy (1 March 2019).

Update of the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend policy (6 March 2020).

Update of the ING Bank Śląski S.A. Dividend policy (15 December 2021).

Dividend story

Dividend story

Net result standalone (PLN m) Net result consolidated (PLN m) Dividend (PLN m) Dividend payout ratio standalone (%) Dividend payout ratio consolidated (%) Dividend per share (PLN) Dividend date Share price at dividend date (PLN) Dividend yield (%) Dividend payout date
2023 4 440,9 4 440,9 4 338,8* 97,7% 97,7% 33,35 17.04.2024 302,00 11,0% 06.05.2024
2022 1 714,4 1 714,4 -* - - - - - - -
2021 2 308,3 2 308,3 689,5 29,9% 29,9% 5,30 15.04.2022 228,00 2,3% 04.05.2022
2020 1 337,6 1 337,6 663,5 49,6% 49,6% 5,10 4.12.2021 252,50 2,0% 10.12.2021
2019 1 658,7 1 658,7 -* - - - - - - -
2018 1 525,9 1 525,9 455,4 29,8% 29,8% 3,50 18.4.2019 194,60 1,8% 06.5.2019
2017 1 348,5 1 403,1 416,3 30,9% 29,7% 3,20 25.4.2018 195,00 1,6% 10.5.2018
2016 1 208,7 1 253,0 - - - - - - - -
2015 1 140,0 1 127,0 559,4 49,1% 49,6% 4,30 20.4.2016 121,80 3,5% 5.5.2016
2014 1 067,9 1 040,7 520,4 48,7% 50,0% 4,00 20.4.2015 143,95 2,8% 5.5.2015
2013 920,1 961,5 572,4 62,2% 59,5% 4,40 14.5.2014 129,60 3,4% 3.6.2014
2012 757,8 832,3 - - - - - - - -
2011 903,6 880,1 - - - - - - - -
2010 702,3 753,1 195,2 27,8% 25,9% 1,50 22.6.2011 85,50 1,8% 1.7.2011
2009 582,2 595,1 - - - - - - - -
2008 455,6 445,4 - - - - - - - -
2007 610,2 630,7 152,2 24,9% 24,1% 1,17 14.5.2008 53,10 2,2% 2.6.2008
2006 540,6 591,4 363,0 67,1% 61,4% 2,79 24.5.2007 87,00 3,2% 11.6.2007
2005 506,8 549,5 357,8 70,6% 65,1% 2,75 18.5.2006 64,50 4,3% 5.6.2006
2004 366,3 399,0 266,7 72,8% 66,8% 2,05 24.6.2005 43,70 4,7% 11.7.2005
2003 28,7 30,6 10,4 36,3% 34,0% 0,08 16.6.2004 37,40 0,2% 1.7.2004
2002 154,0 141,1 31,2 20,3% 22,1% 0,24 16.6.2003 30,95 0,8% 3.7.2003
2001 97,3 100,3 19,5 20,1% 19,5% 0,15 14.5.2002 38,50 0,4% 3.6.2002
2000 138,3 150,9 27,8 20,1% 18,4% 0,30 10.7.2001 26,95 1,1% 3.9.2001

Note: Data prior the share split in November 2011 (1:10) adjusted accordingly

*including: PLN 3,330.5 million from the profit earned by the Bank in 2023, which constitutes 75% of the standalone and consolidated profit of ING Bank Śląski S.A. for 2023, and PLN 1,008.3 million from the reserve capital intended for dividend payment. The amount of PLN 1,008.3 million consists of: PLN 494.4 million of profit for 2019 and PLN 513.9 million of profit for 2022.