A secure password is a strong password. How to create it?

  1. 1

    Choose a sentence that is easy to remember,

    e.g. She really likes red fried tomatoes. It will be the basis for building a strong password.

  2. 2

    Create a new,

    meaningless word from the first two letters of each word in the sentence above: shrelirefrto.

  3. 3

    Increase the password strength by adding uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers,

    e.g. sHRelirefrT0.

  4. 4

    Replace some letters and numbers with special characters,

    e.g. $HRelirefrT0

Features of a strong password

A secure password is a so called strong password – have a look at its characteristics:

  • in case of authorization with SMS codes – it is 10 to 32 characters long and is a combination of numbers, upper and lower case letters and symbols (e.g. #%^&@)
  • for certificate-based authorization – it is 8 to 16 characters long and is a combination of numbers and upper and lower case letters
  • it is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess
  • it does not contain words with logical letter replacements, for example "my p@ssw0rd"
  • it does not contain the entire dictionary word
  • it differs significantly from previous passwords
  • it does not contain repeated characters (e.g. 111111111), sequences (e.g. abcdefgh), or sequence of characters appearing next to each other on the keyboard (e.g. QWERTY).

Safe password conditions:

  • do not use the same password for different systems
  • the password must be different than the login
  • the password cannot consist of the first name, last name, date of birth, tax identification number – both yours and those closest to you; avoid the whole words
  • do not reveal your password to anyone
  • change the password every few months
  • do not keep the password on a computer, phone or card
  • never give the password to anyone by phone, e-mail or messenger – it wouldn’t be justified in any situation
  • do not enter the password when using unknown computers